The idea of organizing a group of retired Sergeants Major in the Killeen, Texas area dates back to December 1977 when over 100 old-line retirees got together for social evenings and formal dinners. The actual genesis of the current organization dates to the summer and fall of 1983 when several retired Sergeants Majors formed a planning group with the goal of establishing a formal association. This resulted in an organizational meeting at the Fort Hood Dome NCO Club in November 1983 which was attended by approximately 40 retired E9's reviewed the draft of the constitution and bylaws developed by the planning group. Subsequently, on 3 December 1983. meeting at the Killeen VFW, more than 100 retired E9's reviewed, amended and adopted a formal constitution and bylaws, then opened the meeting for nomination and election of officers. The RETIRED SERGEANTS MAJOR ASSOCIATION INC., became a reality. RSMA was recognized as a non-profit corporation under the Texas Non-Profit Act and the Certificate of Incorporation was signed by the Secretary, state of Texas on March 1, 1984.
At the first generated membership meeting of the RSMA in January 1984, a total membership of 122 and one location, the organization has steadily grown and expanded. We now number near 1000, with active chapters in six states and more in the formation stage. Counting all members at large, who claim no chapter affiliation; members cover 43 states, the District of Columbia, Columbia, Puerto Rico, Europe and the Far East. The first RSMA newsletter was published in January 1984. Later titled "The Old Timers' Dispatch" then shortened to "THE DISPATCH". It is distributed each month to all members, advertisers and benefactors.
The official logo was adopted in early "84 and now appears on all correspondence and publications. It is imprinted on baseball caps, T-shirts, jackets and stickers - all of which are sold to raise funds to support RSMA activities.
Significant events in the RSMA history include organization of the RSMA auxiliary in August 1984 and Chartering the first chapter in June 1985 at Lawton OK, followed by a chapter in Junction City KS, May 1987, Killeen TX, January 1988, Empire State, July 1989, Horsham PA January 1991, Colorado Springs CO, June 1993, Fayetteville NC, September 1994, Aurora CO, December 1994, second chapter in Killeen TX, April 1995, Lacy WA, June 1995 and the latest chapters in Fort Knox, KY and Kaneohe, Hawaii. The building fund was established in May 1984. At the 1994 Convention in Colorado Springs Colorado, the name of the Association was changed to the Retired Sergeants Major and Chiefs Association, Inc. to include E9's from all services TRSMCA building was dedicated in October 1994 as the Charlie Greene Memorial Hall.
Two annual events have special significance for all TRSMCA members. The Association conducts a memorial service for deceased members in conjunction with the annual convention held in May each year. Texas Chapter #1 has planned, organized and conducted the annual POW/MIA Day Ceremony at Fort Hood, Texas every year since 1986.
On April 30, 2005 the name of the organization was changed to "Armed Forces E9 Association."
At the first generated membership meeting of the RSMA in January 1984, a total membership of 122 and one location, the organization has steadily grown and expanded. We now number near 1000, with active chapters in six states and more in the formation stage. Counting all members at large, who claim no chapter affiliation; members cover 43 states, the District of Columbia, Columbia, Puerto Rico, Europe and the Far East. The first RSMA newsletter was published in January 1984. Later titled "The Old Timers' Dispatch" then shortened to "THE DISPATCH". It is distributed each month to all members, advertisers and benefactors.
The official logo was adopted in early "84 and now appears on all correspondence and publications. It is imprinted on baseball caps, T-shirts, jackets and stickers - all of which are sold to raise funds to support RSMA activities.
Significant events in the RSMA history include organization of the RSMA auxiliary in August 1984 and Chartering the first chapter in June 1985 at Lawton OK, followed by a chapter in Junction City KS, May 1987, Killeen TX, January 1988, Empire State, July 1989, Horsham PA January 1991, Colorado Springs CO, June 1993, Fayetteville NC, September 1994, Aurora CO, December 1994, second chapter in Killeen TX, April 1995, Lacy WA, June 1995 and the latest chapters in Fort Knox, KY and Kaneohe, Hawaii. The building fund was established in May 1984. At the 1994 Convention in Colorado Springs Colorado, the name of the Association was changed to the Retired Sergeants Major and Chiefs Association, Inc. to include E9's from all services TRSMCA building was dedicated in October 1994 as the Charlie Greene Memorial Hall.
Two annual events have special significance for all TRSMCA members. The Association conducts a memorial service for deceased members in conjunction with the annual convention held in May each year. Texas Chapter #1 has planned, organized and conducted the annual POW/MIA Day Ceremony at Fort Hood, Texas every year since 1986.
On April 30, 2005 the name of the organization was changed to "Armed Forces E9 Association."